How cute is this?

The funny thing is, he knows he is good looking. He loves the mirror and loves when I take pictures of him. Every time I take pictures of him, he runs over to me and demands to look at the camera screen to see how the photo looks! What a freak right?
This was later while we were at the doctor.

He knew he was looking good in his fancy size 6 diapers, but he thought something was missing. So he decided he would model my sunglasses. He loved them and he kept checking himself out on the stainless steel trash can.
Anyways!! We go in next Thursday for him to have an Upper GI done. They will take a biopsy of his esophagus and then hopefully be able to tell us what is wrong with him. Our doctor thinks it is some sort of allergy or a slight chance of Acid Reflux. They are leaning more towards the allergy, so then they will get him tested to find out what the allergy is!
I will keep you all posted.
Oh Yea! He's sooooooooooo cool!
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