June 26, 2008
Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
June 23, 2008
Happy as a Clam
Houston, We Have A Crawler
June 22, 2008
The House
Ok obviously, I can't sleep. So I am using this time to catch up on my blogs and vent. All my blogs are usually about our handsome little man, but it's time that Mama does some venting!
For the past year and a half, Manny and I have been living in a house that he owns with his brother, or his parents house while they were away in Mexico. Both of them are amazing homes and I was very happy to get to live in them. But there just comes a time when a family needs their own space. So......Manny and I decided to buy a house of our own. That is the picture you are seeing. It was a foreclosure but it is AAHHHMMAAZZIINGGG (there is that singing voice again). We have both heard that buying a foreclosure is such a long and hard process, but I don't think we really understood how hard it could be. Let me just tell you, it has been rough. It's bad enough that it took them 14 days to accept our offer, then of course we have to wait the normal 30 day escrow period, but now, the closing is taking forever. He signed the papers last Friday, yep that's right folks, that was 9 days ago! And guess what? We still don't have the keys. We were told that the hold up is that 1300 people have to sign off on this house and 47 of those people are slacking. Hopefully maybe, just maybe, this week the 47 slackers in corporate foreclosure world, will put down their lattes, pick up a pen and sign away the home. Other then that drama, we are both so excited!! We have been buying stuff and storing it in one of the spare bedrooms here. Seriously, I could start my own Bed Bath and Beyond with all the goodies we have in that bedroom. I love to go in there every day and just talk to my goodies. I tell them that one day I will have cabinets to put them in. Can I just tell you how excited I am to have my own kitchen? I could do somersaults all day long that's how excited I am. Also, Manny will have a garage where he can have all his TOYS in one spot. And for those of you that know him, you know he has lots of toys. Ahhh we just can't wait. Keep your fingers crossed!
Yes he is my husband, No we aren't married
Ok, so most of you know that Manny and I are not married. This is how it went - We met, fell in love, ended up pregnant and now we are living happily ever after. Was it the traditional way of doing things? No. Do we eventually want to get married? Of course. What girl doesn't want to marry her dream man? But right now, I am happy with the way things are, and I am sure Manny is too. Yes I call him my husband, but what should I call him? Boyfriend? Partner? Baby's Daddy?(admit it, that one made you laugh) All of those sound weird and borderline ghetto. He is a husband to me. He loves me, takes care of me and is truly my best friend. Those to me, are all the qualities in a husband. A legal piece of paper will not change the way Manny treats me nor will it change how much I love him and our family. Also, us not being married, doesn't make us bad people or sinners. We are happy and in love and raising our son the best way we know how. Shouldn't that be enough? So please, next time you decide to judge me or ask me when we are going to get married, just know that we are happy and we have NO IDEA when the wedding will be.
It's time to get serious, the Hubster is hungry
June 17, 2008
Ok, so what is up with friends that only want to be friends when it is convenient for them? Why do friends love when you are unhappy? I will tell you why, because they were never your true friends. The quickest way to lose friends is to better yourself and become happy. This past year and a half has been the most amazing year and a half for me. I have a great man in my life and we have an amazing 8 1/2 month old baby. But at the same time, I have people that are distancing themselves from me and acting like, that because I am finally happy, that they can't be my friend anymore. That's fine, I don't have time for drama. I guess you find out who your true friends are eventually right? I know that I would do anything for anyone in my life. Yes, my schedule may not always allow me to hang out, but if it was an emergency and I was needed, I would be there. So, to all those friends out there that feel they can only be friends on their time, "Farewell my Fair Weather Friend!"