November 25, 2008

Eat Some More

Ok, so I had a blast this weekend at the Christmas party. It is always fun to stay in hotels and pretend your on vacation. What's not fun, is when you get all ready and you ask the Hubster to zip you up and the zipper to your fabulous dress breaks. And when it does breaks, he asks me if it fit!!! Whoa tiger, back up. Of course the dress fit. (before I had the bag of chips, waffle and sausage) I was in tears thinking of how I was going to miss the Formal Night and those skanky girls were going to be hanging all over my man again! Hubster suggested I drive home and get my other dress, which he didn't like and is the reason I got the new fancy black one. I am thinking, oh yeah, let me just go get the dress you didn't want me to wear in the first place. I cry even harder. Then I think, the mall is two casinos down, I will just go to Express and make them give me a new one. It was a good idea until it took me an hour to go two hotels down!! The Ellen DeGeneres Show was in town so there was so much traffic. I finally got there and then drove around for another 45 minutes looking for a spot. I want to apologize to the little old couple who I almost got out of the car and clobbered with my heel. They stole my spot that I had been waiting for so patiently, with my blinker on. I am sorry for yelling, but in my defense, age doesn't make it ok! Once I got inside I ran through the Forum Shops, pretty much knocking everyone over in my way. Remember, back at the Christmas Party, there are these girls hunting down the Hubster. I had to get back ASAP. The employees at Express were so nice and helped me get dress and get out of there very quickly. After some more traffic, I made it back to the Christmas party just in time for dinner. And the dress was a hit. People I didn't even know were coming up to me and saying how amazing I looked. (ok maybe they didn't say amazing, so what if I added that) They did love the dress though!! Hubster looked like a total hottie too. All in all, the party was a hit.