February 4, 2010

Just Call Me A Cougar

I am not into the school boy look. I swear. At least I thought I wasn't. Until I watched The Ellen Show the other day. All I could say was, yummy. Then I slapped my mouth in shock since I am pretty sure he is still in Junior High.

When did this little Jonas Nugget get so stinking cute? When they first came out I wasn't the least bit interested. I guess you could say that those tight jeans just didn't do it for me. But maybe it's the pregnancy because now, I am smitten. I didn't want him to go off the screen. Sick right? It's ok, you can agree. I should be arrested.

He is smirking at me. I know it.


Anonymous said...

No, not a cougar, a bobcat. I am sooo hot for Zac Efron. I had no clue what people were talking about when High School Musical came out but HELLO when 17, Again came out, I BOUGHT IT! OH YAY!

Ashley said...

I'm cracking up...

Ashley said...

Ps. Kate- ZAC!! Yes please...

Christy {SparklesandSpinach} said...

jonas nugget! ha ha ha!!!! And I love Kate's comment about being a "bobcat", love it!!! I find myself oggling the pretty young things too and then I mentally give myself a slap because they are young enough to be in HS, ahem, Taylor Lautner anyone? lol

Suzanne said...

Oh ladies!! Zac and Taylor, I will tak them! yummy!! :) haha we are all sick.